Neighborhood Associations
A Neighborhood Association is usually formed within a geographic boundary by residents who want to devote time and energy to improve where they live.
Neighborhood Associations can build stronger relationships among neighbors, establish leaders, empower residents, and help create a partnership with the City of Greer.

Neighborhood Association Registration
Make your Neighborhood Association official:
Residents can learn more about Neighborhood Associations with the Neighborhood Handbook:
Projects and Activity Ideas
Organizing neighborhood projects can provide opportunities for neighbors to work together and stay active! They also help build the credibility of the group as a moving force in the area. Here are some common projects to help you get started:
Neighborhood cleanups are a great way to boost pride in your area and have immediate results. Neighborhood Services can provide you with the supplies to get started! Visit Litter Resources for more information.
Neighborhood enhancement projects can be a fun way to get everyone involved. Consider things like enhancing the front entrance sign, helping a neighbor with home repairs, or a friendly code enforcement sweep. Visit the Neighborhood Tool Shed for more information on renting supplies.
Host a guest speaker. Some guest speakers that Neighborhood Services can organize for your neighborhood include: crime prevention education, fire prevention education, and first time home buyer education Financial empowerment coaches.