Addressing City Council

Public Forum

During a period of thirty (30) minutes at the beginning of each city council meeting, referred to as a public forum, the presiding officer may recognize citizens of the municipality or others who have standing in the municipality, such as business owners, who wish to address council on matters pertaining to items on that meeting’s agenda.

  1. At least fifteen minutes before the meeting, please see the municipal clerk and sign the sign-in sheet.

  2. Must state name, address, and reason for appearing when speaking to council.

  3. Each citizen will only be allowed three (3) minutes to speak, unless the city council authorizes one extension of three minutes.


Any citizen of the municipality or others who have standing in the municipality shall be entitled to an appearance before council at any regular meeting concerning any municipal matter with the exception of personnel matters.  Persons desiring to speak must notify the municipal clerk six (6) days prior to the beginning of the meeting to be placed on the meeting agenda.  Petitioners must provide their name, address, and topic to be addressed.

  1. Must notify the municipal clerk six (6) days prior to the beginning of the meeting in order to be placed on the agenda.

  2. Must state name, address, and reason for appearing when speaking to council.

  3. Each petitioner will only be allowed three (3) minutes to speak, unless the city council authorizes one extension of three minutes.

Public Hearings

Any citizen of the municipality or others who have standing regarding the topic of the public hearing shall be entitled to an appearance before council at a called public hearing.

  1. At least fifteen minutes before the meeting, please see the municipal clerk and sign the sign-in sheet.

  2. Must state name, address, and reason for appearing when speaking to council.

  3. Each speaker will only be allowed three (3) minutes to speak, unless the city council authorizes one extension of three minutes.

  4. City Council may limit the time for the public hearing.

When introduced, please:

  • Approach the podium.

  • Speak loudly and clearly so that all of council can hear you.

  • Only address the council as a whole.

  • Do not single out any member of council.

  • Do not exceed the time limit.

Civility & Decorum

The City of Greer believes that all interactions between City staff, City elected officials and members of the public should be conducted in a respectful manner. The City encourages professional, respectful, and courteous communication and discourages hostile, intimidating, or otherwise disruptive actions.

The City seeks public cooperation with this endeavor.

Public Forum

Anyone wishing to address Greer City Council must:

  • Register in person with the Municipal Court prior to the start of the meeting.

  • Come to the podium and state his or her name and address

  • Adhere to a three-minute time limit to give all speakers. equal time.

  • Address City Council as a body and refrain from disorderly or boisterous conduct, including but not limited to loud, threatening, profane, abusive, personal, impertinent, or slanderous comments.

  • Realize that Public Forum is not a time for question and answer. Council may discuss pertinent points during discussion of the agenda item later in the meeting.

Audience Members

Those in the audience are also asked to maintain civility and decorum at meetings by:

  • Refraining from disorderly or boisterous conduct, including but not limited to applause, whistling, stamping of feet, booing, or making any loud, threatening, profane, abusive, personal, impertinent, or slanderous comments that disturb, disrupt or otherwise impede orderly conduct of the meeting. 

  • Refraining from displaying signs, placards, banners, or other similar items. 

  • Remaining seated in the seats provided, unless addressing the body at the podium or entering or leaving the meeting.

  • If leaving while the meeting is still in progress, do so quickly and quietly.

All persons in attendance shall obey any lawful order by the Mayor to enforce the Rules of Decorum. Violators may receive a warning or be removed from the meeting.