The City of Greer Police Department celebrated Valentine’s Day with the Senior Dining Program at Greer Community Ministries.
“We have been partnering with Greer community ministries for a few months, trying to come over to their senior dining to just interact with the senior citizens our community, and make some connections and meet new people,” Sgt. Ashley Wright said.
Sgt. Ashley Wright is over the Community Outreach team and says this was an important group of people for them to connect with.
“They have this group here at Greer community ministries that comes every day for events like this, but we took it a step further and partner with them for a luncheon once a month,” Wright said.
It’s something that has grown already.
“We actually have a whole table full of people here today that are coming every day because of our initiative,” Wright said.
For this celebration, Wright says her officers leaned into their passions.
“Officer Ferrell, who is our new crisis, intervention officer, he is performing today, serenading the crowd with all kinds of love songs,” Wright said.
To bring smiles to the group.
“Officer Grimstad loves to connect with people she loves to bake. She loves to talk to people she loves our community,” Wright said.
Wright brought her own special touch too—Valentines cards made by her daughter’s class.
“I am just beaming with pride for what these guys are doing today,” Wright said

Greer PD Spreads Valentines Spirit at Greer Community Ministries
February 27, 2024