Drug take back informational sign

The City of Greer Police Department and CPW are teaming up this weekend for a Drug Take Back Day.

“We’ve held it for more than 5 years over at Greer CPWs customer service office. We’ve collected more than a thousand pounds of pills which is a win win for both is us,” CPW Public Information Coordinator Alison Rauch said.

 Both organizations have different reasons for wanting to collect unused drugs.

“For us it’s keeping them out of the hands of say teenagers other individuals who may have addictions as they are visiting homes,” Lt. Chris Forrester with the Greer Police Department said.

“We don’t want this medicine getting into our drinking water and our wastewater treatment system,” Rauch said.

And expired drugs can cause lots of different problems in the community.

“Those medications are sitting there and they’ve been there for a while then at more of a temptation for those to get in the hands of those who don’t need them,” Forrester said.

“All of that medicine impacts wild life, water quality, and somebody else’s future drinking water,” Rauch said.

You can bring items, no questions asked, to Greer CPW’s Customer Service Center at 301 McCall Street on Saturday, October 28 from 10 AM - 2 PM.

“One thing we do ask is if you could take them out of the prescription bottles and put them in a zip lock bag it makes it easier for us and your information is not given to anyone,” Forrester said.

“What we accept are pills and patches. That includes prescription or over the counter or even your pet pills. Please do not bring sharps or liquids we cannot dispose of those,” Rauch said.