The City of Greer Police Department will be at the Walmart Super center this weekend collecting toys for children in Greer.
“For us to collect toys for a cops for tots program we’re in our 34th year of cops for tots and this is a great time for us to partner with the community and collect toys for us to give out at our event that’s going to be on December 16,” Lt. Chris Forrester said.
The Police Department will be out encouraging people to support the efforts.
“Will be handing out flyers that will give ideas of what age groups we need to have toys for certain items for infants up to 12 years old,” Forrester said.
Lt. Forrester says this is a great way for people to contribute while doing their regular shopping.
“It is heartwarming to see people come out. Maybe they have kids with them and they come out after shopping and have several bags full of toys or a whole shopping cart full of toys that they’re donating to our cops for tots program,” Forrester said.
He says people are also welcome to drop off other forms of donations.
“If individuals want to stop by and give monetary donations as well, they can do that,” Forrester said.
This weekend’s Pack a Patrol is on Saturday November 11 from 10-2, and there will be another opportunity on November 25.
“Maybe pick up some thing for our local children as well that are a little bit less fortunate,” Forrester said.
You can also drop off donations at the Police Department any time.
“Our goal is to fill up the tractor trailer that’s behind us and give all of these toys away to some really happy kids with some really big smiles,” Forrester said.