Business Licenses and Taxes
The City of Greer is committed to making our city a clean and respectful place for everyone who lives, works, and visits. This year, people in Greer will be able to participate in a month-long Spring Cleaning event.
Join our citywide litter cleanup challenge during the month of April.
Make a difference and beautify our community while enjoying the outdoors!
All supplies are provided! We've got you covered with bags, gloves, safety vests and pickup sticks. We will even pickup your bags after your cleanup event. Simply focus on collecting litter!
Easy participation:
Gather your team: Friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors.
Complete the waivers: Once you have gathered a group ensure everyone in your group completes this paperwork and reviews our safety protocols.
Pick up your supplies: Grab the supplies for your group at one of our Earth Day supply handout events.
Find us at:
Food Truck Rollout, March 15, 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Eggtastic Easter Event, March 23, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Before the Greer City Council Meeting, March 26, 6:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Please Note: We can only give you supplies for people who have correctly completed the waivers.
Choose your location: Find a park, street, or area near you that needs a little TLC. (If you would like help picking a location, we can provide a list.)
Pick a date & time: Schedule a time your cleanup during the month of April using our How-to-Guide.
Report your cleanup: Email Ayla Fitzpatrick, with the following details:
Number of Volunteers:
Number of Bags Collected:
If your bags need to be collected (if so, the bags location):
We love getting pictures to share on social media to show everyone how much your business, church, or group cares! Make sure to tag the City of Greer and use the #greerspringcleaning
Feel good! Celebrate your impact on your community and our planet!
Help the planet again by recycling your supplies, or keep the effort going.
There will be a drop-off box in the lobby of Greer City Hall the whole month of April. Doors are open from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Alternatively, keep your supplies and continue to clean up your community on your own!